Diaper Bouquet

Here are some quick and easy instructions on the diaper bouquet I made a few weeks ago.


First, set aside your skewers. You will want most of the skewers full sizes, but make sure to break 4 or 5 skewers in half so you have flowers in varying height. Roll the skewers in green tissue paper. Roll your diaper around the top of the skewer and secure with a rubber band. I like Luvs because they are purple and green, so they kind of look flowery.

Diaper Flowers

Now, cut your green tissue paper in long strips about 4″ wide. Lay the skewered diaper on the tissue and roll, being sure to cover the rubber band. Twist the bottom of the paper to secure and, Tada! You have a diaper flower!


Now, put some tissue paper in the jar so you don’t see the sticks, and arrange your flowers.

For a finishing touch, use some tissue paper to fill in space and make some flowers. I’ve used dark pink for a girl baby and orange for a boy. Just tear the paper into thirds. Now gather in the center fold and twist. It’s a simple flower but it works. Stick the flowers in the open spaces of the bouquet to fill it in. It really is adorable.


I used some craft paper in      the jar lid as the name tag. I also gave some bath accessories in a regular gift bag, but afterwards I was thinking that with a bigger package of diapers and a bigger vase as a base, I could have put the bath stuff in the vase.

Name Tags

Diaper gifts are so useful, especially at 3 am when you’re all out of your regular diaper stash. Really, wipes and diapers are practical and useful, but it does look boring to just wrap up a pack. I like to give a larger size diaper, too. Babies seem to grow out of their size overnight, and it’s nice to be prepared with the next size up. I know Jack was growing so quickly, and it was a Godsend to have a variety of sizes ready.


Asterisk Gifts

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